
Add Google Plus widget to your web site

Ever want to create a widget on your web site that displays your stream and invite people to add you?  Try WidgetsPlus, a web site that can generate the codes required in less than 30 seconds.
Simply plug your Google+ ID in the required box and hit “Get code”, you get the codes ready for pasting onto your web site.  It won’t take more than half a minute.  The default design looks nice but if you want to customize the look and feel, try amending the settings in each tab.  Even so, I guess you can complete the set up in 1 or 2 minutes.
Google Plus Widget - create widget for your web site 

The author has been actively updating this widget (4 times on 16 July!), but there are still things to improve.  For example, at the time of writing “+1″ does not seem to be correctly displayed in the latest updates part.  And they are not clickable.  The other problem is that the number of people having me in their circles is obviously lower than the actual figure, probably since some people choose not to let the world know who they are following in Google+.  But this is not what the author of this widget could control.
Google Plus Widget sample

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