
Backup Your Android Contacts And SMS Easily

Backup Your Android Contacts And SMS Easily



Loosing your contacts or even important SMS is not really fun or good, in this post am going to be sharing solid best ways to backup your contacts and sms on android devices both online and offline so if one works and is safe is better,it not really good to put all your eggs in one basket 
android contacts backup
Now the ways am going to be sharing are what you can easily use and make backups just in case if you change device or lost your device. The ways are very easy and quick to understand, so all you have to do is read along and am sure you will get the ways I will explain.

Using A Android App To Backup Your Android  SMS

Using the app is very easy and straight and most importantly it a free app so no need to be thinking about the cost of the app. This stores your sms to their directory easy. Once you download the app and install it. Download the app click here
app to backup android sms 

Steps To Backup And Restore SMS Using The App
  1. After Installing the app
  2. Open the app from your Home Menu
  3. Once it opened, Click Backup button and it will be backup
  4. And if you want to Restore it, Click on the restore and follow the process.


Backup Your Android Contacts Offline Easily.

Saving your contacts offline is very good as it can be easily accessed be you but it also can be easily lost as it is usually saved on your memory card, so what I usually ask friends to do is to also have a copy of the backup file on their computers and hard drive if possible.

how to backup android contacts in memory card 

Steps On How To Backup Your Android Contacts Offline
  1. Open your Contacts From the Menu
  2. In the Contacts Click on the Menu
  3. And you will see “Export To SD” option there
  4. If you are asked for permission To create a Vcard, Click YES
  5. Click On it and your contacts Will be backup On your memory card

 from :basictechtricks.com

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